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    Malish Mal Grit Clean-Grit General Scrubbing Brushes

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    Product No. Product Description Block Type Block Diameter UPC Filament Color Filament Diameter Grit Size
    776510 10" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Wood 10" 6-15129-76510-7 Blue .035 180
    776511 11" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 11" 6-15129-76511-4 Blue .035 180
    776512 12" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 12" 6-15129-76512-1 Blue .035 180
    816513 13" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 13" 6-15129-16513-6 Blue .035 180
    816514 14" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 14" 6-15129-16514-3 Blue .035 180
    816515 15" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 15" 6-15129-16515-0 Blue .035 180
    816516 16" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 16" 6-15129-16516-7 Blue .035 180
    816517 17" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 17" 6-15129-16517-4 Blue .035 180
    816518 18" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 18" 6-15129-16518-1 Blue .035 180
    816519 19" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 19" 6-15129-16519-8 Blue .035 180
    816520 20" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 20" 6-15129-16520-4 Blue .035 180
    816521 21" CLEAN-GRIT ™ Plastic 21" 6-15129-16521-1 Blue .035 180